Triform Camphill
At Triform Camphill Community, young adults with disabilities live and work with full time volunteer resident staff and their families.
For young adults with intellectual disabilities
Triform Camphill Community is a residential community that supports young adults with special needs on their path to greater independence by offering educational, vocational and life skills training programs in a nurturing, social and residential environment. In addition to the training program, Triform offers an opportunity to its graduates to stay on as partners in life-sharing. Our community includes a dynamic mix of over 100 individuals spanning many generations, cultures and ranges of ability. Triform incorporates biodynamic farming and gardening, home making, celebration of festivals and arts into daily life. We are located on 500+ acres of land in beautiful Columbia County,
New York.
Imagine… two hours north of New York City in the beautiful Hudson River valley, over 500 acre farm community with forests, fields, organic gardens, 10 houses, a barn with pigs and cows, a dairy, therapeutic riding horses, a weavery, a bakery, a pottery studio, a recreation hall, and a meeting hall.
Welcoming… young adults with developmental disabilities, as residential or day students, who are on the threshold of the important transition to adulthood.
Guided By… people who have chosen to live in a community dedicated to helping young people with special needs and to building a life which recognizes and values the worth and contributions of all its members. Long-term coworkers serve as householders and frequently assume responsibility for one of the work areas. Short-term volunteers share fully in the life of the community and provide support in the households and work areas.
Sharing… a rich home life with householders, their children, short-term volunteers, and young adults living together and participating in daily work on the land or in one of the studios, a stimulating curriculum of afternoon classes, varied evening gatherings and weekend outings, and joyful seasonal celebrations. Young people discover their unique potential and graduate ready to embark on the next stage of their life’s journey with confidence.
This Is Triform!
We welcome your interest in our community!
Biodynamic Farm Location
Camphill Academy Location
Children & Young Adults