Camphill Hudson
Camphill Hudson community residents make a life for themselves with a particular focus on the social arts and an integrated theater program.
A thriving urban community
Camphill Hudson is a thriving urban community located in Hudson, NY. Located two hours north of New York City by train in downtown Hudson, Camphill Hudson is ideally situated for those who wish to contribute to Camphill life and fully participate in the life of the wider community. Individuals in the Camphill Hudson community make a life for themselves contributing to the city around them, with a particular focus on the social arts and an integrated theatre program.
A visitor need only step inside one of the Camphill Hudson residences to experience a sense of warmth and home. Living in extended-family type households, resident coworkers and their children create home together with adults with developmental disabilities and meals are shared around a communal table. Each person contributes to the home life to the best of their ability which fosters warm feelings of both independence and interdependence.
In their semi-independent residences you will find that same sense of warmth and home, with an expanded feeling of individual expression and flexibility. You may find individuals working side by side to cook a meal, doing household chores or perhaps playing a board game. They may be planning their meals for the week, putting together their social schedule or even paying their bills and managing their finances.
Camphill Hudson residents develop a deep caring for one another and celebrate birthdays, seasonal festivals and other important occasions together. While residents go out to work during the week, evenings and weekends are a time for housekeeping, social outings, and worship taking in all that the city of Hudson has to offer.
Camphill Hudson also runs a catering kitchen which uses locally sourced organic and biodynamic food prepared on the premises by trained staff of all abilities. They also house an Artisan Shop at Solaris, an active artist studio that feature hand-crafted items from Camphill communities throughout North America.
Hudson is a thriving and diverse small city, and Camphill Hudson residents actively participate in its vibrant cultural life. They enjoy participating in the many festivals hosted at the riverfront, watching the myriad parades that march down Warren Street, and attending plays, concerts and talks at any one of several local performance spaces.
Adults of All Ages
Camphill Academy Location