Meet some of the fantastic people who make up Camphill

Brittany Archer
After graduating college, Brittany knew she wanted to keep adventuring instead of returning home to the Bahamas. When her journey took her to Camphill Communities California, she immediately fell in love. The next year, she extended her Camphill journey at the community in Ireland. “Being in Camphill is being with…

Nicolo Betoni
When his pre-health advisor suggested he spend his gap year working in a hospital, Nicolo knew he wanted to do something more special. Now that he's in medical school at University of California, Irvine, Nicolo is so glad he spent his gap year as a volunteer at Camphill Village Minnesota. …

Gabi Branche
When Gabi graduated from NYU Abu Dhabi with a degree in Interactive Media, whe knew she wasn't done spending time in an intentional community like the one she'd found there and at home in Trinidad. When she came across Camphill on a career portal, she knew she'd found the perfect…

Sumin Dai
Sumin recently earned a Masters in Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania and works in community mental health. Before that, she spent two years volunteering at Triform Camphill community, where she returns regularly for holiday visits to help out, connect with old friends, and make new ones. Sumin is…

Jojo Dzeiski
Jojo is the pottery teacher at Triform Camphill Community, our youth guidance program. In the summer, she is a counselor at Camp Omi, the day camp at Art Omi Sculpture and Architecture Park. Upon receiving her bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts and French from SUNY New Paltz, Jojo headed to…

Anna Falch
Following in her older brother’s footsteps, Anna spent a year of service at Plowshare Farm. During her time at Plowshare Farm, Anna enjoyed her work on the farm, especially when she was gardening, cooking, or caring for animals. Most of all, Anna loved spending quality time with her housemates and…

Lindsey Flicker
Lindsey joined Camphill Village Minnesota after graduating from Minnesota State University, Mankato with a degree in Management. She had enjoyed working with adults who had disabilities through college and was very curious about community. More importantly, she wanted to take a path that wasn’t already set out for her. After…

Katrina Hoven
Katrina grew up in California and at age 25 found herself stuck and unsure of what to do next in her life. She was attracted to Camphill and their mission to create a life of meaning and purpose for all of its members. She appreciated that they could live together…

Shady Kodsi
Shady is in his fifth year in Camphill, studying Social Therapy in the Academy, growing vegetables in the Village gardens, and running a lifesharing house. He is Chair of the Camphill Village Youth Group, which helps integrate new volunteers into community life. Before Camphill, Shady earned a degree in business…

Joe Petersen
While studying sociology at Minnesota State University, Mankato Joe set out to do field research on intentional communities for his undergraduate degree. Cooperative lifestyles fascinated him and he wanted to see models that communities were using to thrive. At the time he was also working with adults who had disabilities…